Friday, November 13, 2009

Any questions?

Hi World,

Well, our Huf Haus has been complete for well over two and a half years, and therefore you shouldn't expect too many updates going forward. Or going backwards, either.

Anyways, I'll probably add a post or none each year as and when our car port (finally) gets built, and the garden (finally) gets terraced. However, all such home improvements are subject to the size of my annual bonus... which is subject to the performance of the financial markets... which are subject to the competence of the investment bankers.

So not much bonus expected then, hence no improvements, hence nowt to write about.

Anyways, I've received a couple of Huf-related emails recently, and both queries mentioned what a buggah it was to track down my email address. Hmm, I think the difficulty was the point. Can't receive too few emails, eh?

So here's the official Capucho Query Policy: assuming yer not too shy, then write yer queries as "comments" against this post like wot everyone else does. If your query is a bit too much of a private nature for public consumption (yer planning an S&M dungeon in yer Huf Haus cellar, or whatever) then the unofficial Capucho Query Policy is to email me directly at ric.capucho(at)gmail(dot)com.

Regards to All,
Update, October 2012. I'm up and blogging again, so forget all this farewell nonsense...